AQAR 2019-20 AQAR 2019-20Download Criteria I1.4.2 Feedback CRITERION I Criteria II2.1.1 Demand Ratio during the year 2.3.1 E-resources and techniques used 2.3.1_ict_tools_1636784989 2.3.2 Mentoring system 2.5.1 Number of days 2.6.2 Pass percentage of students Criteria III3.3.4 (Books and Chapters in edited Volumes Books published, and papers in National International Conference) 3.3.7 (Faculty participation in Seminars Conferences and Symposia during the year ) 3.4.1 Number of extension and outreach programmes conducted 3.4.3 (Students participating in extension activities) Criteria IV4.1.2 Augmentation_details_ 4.2.2 Library services criteria 4, session 2019-20 Criteria V5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.2.2 5.2.4 Criteria VI6.3.3 6.5.6 Criterion_6_2019_2020 Criteria VII7.1.4 7.1.6 7.2 Best Practices 2019-20 Future plan of action